Thursday, March 01, 2007

Gracious Me, the Grace Girls are here!

SunSpirit Studio's newest stamps, the Grace Girls set, are here! Shop for them now.

But hey, as a thank you for my blog readers, I'm giving away a set of the girls to the first person to email [shauna@heystamplady dot com] tell me how may files and folders I have in the SunSpirit Studio gallery. Hint, it's listed on the gallery page! I'll even throw in a copy of RubberStampMadness featuring my published bad boyfriends cards and artist interview. Heck, if you want, I'll autograph it! Heehee!

Stay tuned, I'll be showing off my latest work using these graceful girls in the next couple of days!

Aaaaand if you want another chance to win a free Grace Girls set, I would suggest you sign up for the SunSpirit Studio newsletter if you haven't already! Don't forget the code is SD.


Kathy McD said...
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Anonymous said...

You have 30 folders showing in the gallery.